Privatization Commission Donates 17,800 tree seedlings
Privatization Commission has donated 17,800 tree seedlings, which were among the trees planted during the 7th Edition of Kaptagat Annual tree planting event, at Kessup Forest in Elgeyo Marakwet.
The seedlings were acquired from Kericho Medium Prison, and Ngeria Prison in Eldoret, a move by the Commission to honor a commitment to purchase tree seedlings from Kenya Prisons.
During the tree planting exercise in Kaptagat, the Commission was represented by the Board Chairman Mr. Faisal Abbas and the Executive Director Mr. Joseph Koskey, where 32,000 trees were planted.
Tree planting is one of the Commissions CSR initiative that contributes to the implementation of the Presidential directive to plant 15 billion tree by 2032. The move will help reduce greenhouse emissions, stop and reverse deforestation and, restore 5.1 million hectares of deforested and degraded landscapes.
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